Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

The Company Aim

Prostart Training takes the safety of all learners very seriously. The policy aims to ensure that all learners, staff, customers, employers, stakeholders and visitors are safe from harm and abuse, harassment and bullying. Prostart’s aim is to a safe meaningful and supportive learning environment promoting safety and wellbeing throughout ensuring at no time will a young person be bullied oppressed or exploited.


The rationale of the policy is to safeguard all children and vulnerable adult learners. This policy covers all aspects of the learner’s journey from enrolment to achievement (EPA). This is achieved through robust processes, training and monitoring. This policy works in conjunction with the Health and Safety policy. This policy is a legal requirement and as such must be read and understood by all staff. All staff who come into contact with learners in their job role have a duty of care and a role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners and must be aware of procedures to follow to pass on concerns (Children Act 2004).

Prostart Training will adhere to National legislation, Government statutory guidance and Ofsted requirements.

This policy is based on the law and statutory guidance applicable in England only.

  • Children Act 1989
  • The Children Act 2004
  • Children & Social Work Act 2017
  • Education and Training Act 2021
  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Working together to safeguard children ▪
  • Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE 2023)
  • What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
  • Ofsted Education Inspection Framework
  • Prevent Duty Guidance

Key contacts The Safeguarding team are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Dawn Bridgett

Senior Leaders/Governance taking overarching responsibility of policies, processes and referrals to external agencies.

Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Matthew Vaughan

Fully trained and experienced staff member to support staff, employers, sub contactors and learners in managing concerns and referrals to external agencies, reporting into the DSL and also responsible for filtering and monitoring.

The Safeguarding team must complete mandatory training and updates. DSL training must be completed as a minimum every 3 years.

Records relating to referrals are held centrally on a secure drive, information is confidential and stored in accordance with GDPR.

All staff receive annual safeguarding training

During induction all staff undergo safeguarding and prevent training and must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS check); DBS checks will be renewed every 5 years. All staff will be regularly informed on changes to these policies and procedures.

The Safeguarding policy is promoted through all of Prostart’s processes and procedures including: staff and learner inductions, annual staff training, learner visits/ reviews, structured training sessions, resources, padlets and staff meetings.


Safeguarding is the term used to ensure children (those under 18) and vulnerable adults are protected from harm and abuse.

All staff have a personal responsibility for safeguarding the welfare and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults’ learners at risk of harm by protecting them from abuse.

Four areas of child abuse are: ▪

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Neglect
  • Sexual

Ten areas of adult abuse are:

  • Physical
  • Physiological / Emotional
  • Financial
  • Sexual
  • Modern Slavery
  • Domestic
  • Organisational
  • Self-Neglect
  • Discriminatory
  • Acts of Omission

The categories above break down to cover further areas, this policy will provide guidance which must be followed. See Appendix 1

Roles and Responsibilities

Whilst all staff have a responsibility, below breaks down specific areas aligned with job roles and functions:

Governance are involved in their capacity within Leadership and Governance to oversee all aspects of Safeguarding.

Learning & Development Coach’s (L&D) ensure learners are educated on Safeguarding and Prevent and fully understand how to raise a concern. L&Ds must ensure that learner safety and wellbeing is monitored and if required, report concerns to the Safeguarding team. They must complete mandatory training and attend updates as required. Must ensure that 16-18 learners undertake the mandatory safeguarding units as part of their apprenticeship.

SEND Co: Identify learners with additional needs or disabilities to ensure that reasonable adjustments and the

learning support plan is aligned to meet needs of the individual.

Health & Safety: Ensure learners workplaces are risk free (risk assessments and employer liability is in place note: SEND learners may have additional support needs in the workplace, risk assessments must be checked to ensure this is noted to safeguard the learner). Concerns must be raised to the Senior Leadership Team. H&S will provide communications and local level support between the learner, L&D’s and employer ensuring that when concerns are identified risk is mitigated – the Safeguarding team will oversee and support.

Quality team: Must ensure staff receive appropriate training and guidance and are aware of the processes and

procedures to keep learners safe. Quality will ensure that learners receive appropriate, meaningful training in regards to Safeguarding and Prevent. Quality will report concerns if observed directly. Must complete mandatory training and updates.

Tutors: Must ensure that the classroom environment is safe (whether this be online or face to face). Ensure ground rules are set and clear and delegates are supervised to ensure teaching sessions are free from child on child abuse. Where appropriate, Safeguarding and Prevent must be embedded into the delivery. Tutors must monitor their delegates and any concerns noted relating to Safeguarding must be reported. Tutors must undertake mandatory training and updates.

Human Resources (HR): Implementing and adhering to safer recruitment, staff training records and implementing

training schedules and implementation of this policy, escalating staffing concerns to the DSL & Senior Leadership Team

Information Technologies (IT): Ensure appropriate web filtering systems safeguard learners against online threats and harmful materials. Web search blockers must be installed to prevent searching of particular categories and materials (see Internet Watch Foundation). IT will monitor online systems to ensure user activity is without risk or threat.

Curriculum: design and make accessible learner facing Safeguarding & Prevent resources to provide training in every apprenticeship. They ensure the content is fit for purpose, current and relevant. Resources Further Education – Educate Against Hate

Delivery requirements

All learners must have a meaningful induction which covers Safeguarding, Prevent and British values.

Each learning and progress review must monitor learner safety and address any safeguarding concerns. Further Safeguarding and Prevent training must be embedded with utilising British Values, wellbeing resources and Hot Topics Hot Topics – Prostart ( to ensure it is relevant, current and sufficient.

All under 18’s must complete 4 online ETF learning modules

Radicalisation and Extremism

Staying Safe Online

What can you Trust

British Values


Sexual Harassment Training  Free Sexual Harassment Training Module | Skillcast

L&D coach’s must ensure that following the completion of online learning resources, opportunities are taken to develop and deepen understanding which is documented on the Learning / Progress review to show distance travelled and impact.

It is important that all staff remain professional and set personal boundaries. It is not permitted for any staff member to visit learners at home or socialise with them. Individuals must ensure that relationships are not established on personal social media sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram). Any activity of this nature will be considered as potential gross misconduct. (See Safeguarding procedures for further information).

Safer Recruitment

The HR Team will oversee and ensure that new members of staff undertake the following recruitment process:

  • Curriculum Vitae and job history check
  • Online search via public information upon shortlisting
  • Verify the person’s right to work in the UK, including EU nationals
  • Interview (notes kept) with a panel of 2 or more personnel (dependant on level of position)
  • Disclosure and Barring System checks, management of checks and outcomes
  • Reference checks made and kept

Note: New members of staff who are awaiting DBS clearance are not permitted to attend learner visits or be left alone with a learner (online or in person), they must be accompanied by a member of staff with full in date DBS clearance. In circumstances where an existing member of staff has a lapsed DBS, the same situation applies. Existing members of staff must undertake a new DBS check every 5 years. Failure to do so timely may lead to disciplinary action and job role sanctions being applied.

Safeguarding Training

New staff must complete a Safeguarding and Prevent qualification in their induction period. In addition, Safeguarding is mandated in all staff inductions.

Following this, all staff who are involved with learners as part of their role, must complete a 3 yearly course run through the Education, Training Foundation.

Safeguarding training can be accessed: Safeguarding and Prevent – The Education and Training Foundation (

Prevent training for DSL’s, safer recruitment, management and non-management roles is found here: Safeguarding and Prevent – The Education and Training Foundation (

As required, updates and training will be scheduled in accordance with policy updates both internal and external. ‘ Prevent’ refresher training is scheduled on an annual basis in order to implement this policy. Planned training is detailed on the Staff Development Plan. All training must be recorded on the staff CPD log.

Safeguarding Officer/DSL – Matthew Vaughan, Child Protection Training Level 2 (Senco/DSL In training)

Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Dawn Bridgett DSL training level 3

Counsellor – Eve Adams

Links to news and updates

News | Counter Terrorism Policing

ProtectUK | Home

City Centre | (

Safeguarding and Prevent – The Education and Training Foundation (

Reporting Concerns

It is important that any Safeguarding concerns relating to a child or vulnerable learner are reported to the

Safeguarding team. All Prevent concerns must be reported through the same process to the Safeguarding team.

Follow the 5 R’s to meet all steps


Identification that an allegation has been made relating to abuse of a child or vulnerable adult learner or when there

is a suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has been abused.


Acknowledge the disclosure, explain to the individual that this must be reported the information will be shared with

the Safeguarding team.The safeguarding team will, where possible, respect the wishes of the individual; however, information will be shared with external agencies where it is judged that a person is at risk of suffering significant harm.


Ensure that the allegation / concern is reported via the Safeguarding Form within the same working day. A

member of the Safeguarding team will respond within 24 working hours.


The safeguarding team will keep full and robust records detailing each stage of the concern, steps taken and any

referral made.


The Safeguarding team will refer cases to the Local Safeguarding Partnerships (under 18’s) and the Local

Safeguarding Board (over 18’s). In any inter-agency meeting, the designated persons will also retain a record of the

meetings and any agreed actions and all correspondence will be securely maintained. In the event of a Prevent

referral, this will be sent to the relevant police prevent referral point or directly to Channel.

PACE – The Police and Criminal Evidence Act – Code C 2019

A young person must have an ‘appropriate adult’ with them when questioned or detained by policy. The DSL will liaise with the MD to agree the most appropriate adult (parent, guardian or social worker). The ‘appropriate adult’ will ‘support, advise and assist’ the young person in addition to observing that the police are acting properly and fairly to respect the young person’s rights and entitlements and inform an officer of the rank of inspector or above if they consider they are not. The DSL will ensure that the ‘appropriate adult’ understands their role.

Low level concerns

Appendix 2 of our Safeguarding Policy provides specific requirements to ensure staff professional behaviour is in line with minimum expectations. Each staff member is required to adhere to the Code of Conduct. Behaviour of this nature must be reported immediately to the direct line manager who must inform the Safeguarding Team to investigate.


The welfare and safety of staff and visitors that enter Prostart premises is paramount. In the event of a serious security risk (e.g. violent or armed intruder) a lockdown is implemented. The initiating threat can be either internal or external to the building. A lockdown process is accessible in group training classrooms, enabling staff and visitors to follow clear guidance if the need was to arise.

Transporting learners

It is the company expectation that the employer will take ultimate responsibility for transporting learners to any face

to face workshops. In exceptional circumstances, Prostart staff can provide transport providing the following steps are taken:

• The member of staff has business insurance

• The member of staff has a current MOT and service

• The member of staff has a current DBS

• Risk assessment completed

• Journeys to have a minimum of 2 passengers

• Cars to be clean and clear of Prostart personnel personal information

• Pick up points to be agreed away from residence

• Emergency protocol to be followed in the event of a breakdown or accident

Learner transport must be agreed and approved by the manager to ensure that the above process is in

place and understood.

Disciplinary Procedures in Relation to Regulated Activity

If an allegation is made against a member of staff/ supply staff or volunteer this should be immediately reported to the Managing Director. The allegation will be investigated following the Child Protection Action Chart below. If the allegation is about the Managing Director this should be referred directly to the Local Authority Designated Lead.

While the allegation is being investigated the member of staff will be given leave of absence.

If Prostart are not the employer of supply teachers, we will ensure allegations are dealt with properly following the appropriate procedure. As per the guidance ‘In no circumstances will Prostart decide to cease to use a supply teacher due to safeguarding concerns, without finding out the facts and liaising with the local authority designated officer (LADO) to determine a suitable outcome.’. Prostart Training will appropriately act on the outcome of the investigation. HR and the DSL will provide communication on a need to know basis. In all cases when formal action is taken, the HR team working with the DSL will report the concerns to the DBS. This applies to individuals who resign, retire or flee the investigation and outcome.

Speakers and events policy

Whilst protecting the basic human rights of freedom of speech and expression, it is Prostart Training’s duty to ensure the safety and welfare of our staff and clients. Working with event organisers, Prostrart will endeavour to run engaging events that are lawful and embrace the Prevent Duty contained within Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, that states we must give, “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.

Allegations about events outside of the provision

Vulnerable adults may allege that abuse or harm has occurred at home or in other situations outside of Prostart’s remit. It is important that these allegations are treated seriously. The allegation will be investigated following the Child Protection Action Chart in the Safeguarding Procedures.

Prostart will provide effective support through the harassment policy for anyone facing an allegation and provide them with a named contact if they are suspended. This relates to members of staff, supply staff and volunteers who are currently working at Prostart regardless of whether Prostart is where the alleged abuse took place. Allegations against a Tutor who is no longer teaching should be referred to the police. Historical allegations of abuse should also be referred to the police.

This includes anyone that has:-

behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; • possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child;  • behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he or she may pose a risk of harm to children; or • behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children.

If a member of staff in regulated activity has been dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns, or would have been had they not resigned, the designated Safeguarding lead is responsible of notifying the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

Related Documents

Safeguarding ProceduresStaff Code of ConductStaff Development Plan
Safeguarding StatementIT Access PolicySocial Media Policy
Cyberbullying Guide (POL4a)Supervision of Staff PolicyLow level concerns procedure
Health and Safety PolicyAcceptable Use of Technology PolicyHarassment Policy
Staff recruitment PolicyLearner Induction HandbookPrevent Risk Assessment
Whistle Blowing PolicyAnti-Bullying PolicyRemote Education Policy
Equality and Diversity & Harassment PolicyOnline Safety PolicyHarmful Sexual Behaviour Policy
Staff CPDPrevent PolicyLow Level Concerns procedure

Your Rights and Responsibilities

  • You have the right to feel safe where you learn
  • Other people should not hurt or abuse you in any way
  • Other people should not threaten to hurt or abuse you
  • Physical Abuse – People should not touch you in a way that hurts
  • Sexual Abuse – People should not touch you or make you touch them in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset
  • Psychological or emotional abuse People should not upset you by bullying or teasing you.
  • Financial, money or material abuse People should not steal from you
  • Discrimination – People should not treat you badly because of your age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion, or who you choose for your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • Neglect – If you have personal care support, people who are thereto help you should not neglect you or ignore you. Click on this image for more information about neglect

You will find information about safeguarding and Prevent in your Induction Handbook which was issued at Induction.

Prostart do not tolerate bullying and discrimination. If you feel you have observed or been subject to such behaviour, you should speak to the members of staff above.  If you feel unable to do so, you must speak to another member of staff or the Managing Director.

Harassment must not go un-reported as it will only escalate and may lead to illness and/ or persist and/ or transfer to other victims. It is therefore your duty to report any such behaviour.

Every effort will be made to investigate promptly and thoroughly all allegations, in as confidential a manner as possible.

If you disclose anything where we feel you are in danger or being harmed or you endangering others, we have a responsibility to report it to the relevant authorities

You can also contact:

  • ChildLine – 0800 1111 calls are free and confidential
  • Samaritans – 08457 909090
  • Victim Support – 0845 3030900

Personal Safety & Safeguarding

 Here are some tips about keeping safe while you are out and about:

  • Set your home number on speed dial on your ‘phone
  • Set up your ‘phone so it can only be unlocked with a pin number
  • Get your ‘phones, iPods and expensive items marked. Put your house number and postcode on them with an ‘invisible’ security pen
  • Carry a personal alarm
  • Avoid dark or lonely short cuts
  • Stay in groups
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Think about safe places to walk like well-lit areas and shops
  • Look out for each other
  • When you are out and about try to look confident
  • Trust your instincts – if you feel unsafe get away
  • Before you go out tell someone where you are going and when you will be back
  • Keep expensive possessions hidden
  • Don’t listen to music when you are out and about (or use only one headphone so you can still hear what’s going on behind you)
  • Learn self defence
  • Never accepts lifts from strangers or people you don’t know very well

If you have been a victim of crime talking to someone you trust can make you feel better. Here are some examples of people you could talk to:

  • friends
  • someone in your family
  • people at school
  • people who work with children or young people
  • the police
  • If you decide you want to tell the police what happened to you, someone from Victim Support can come to the police station with you. We can also help you to talk to other people, like your teachers or parents, if you want.

Guidance for Young People

Protect yourself online

Guidance for Parents

How can you safeguard children from sexting

Further Guidance on Equality & Diversity can be found here

Prevent & British Values

What is Prevent?

Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

The 4 elements include:

  • Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
  • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
  • Protect: to strengthen protection against a terrorist attack, and
  • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack

What is the Prevent duty?

The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

The Prevent strategy:

  • Responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views;
  • Provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  • Works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to deal with.

Prevent covers all forms of terrorism and extremism and some aspects of non-violent extremism.
The Home Office works with local authorities, a wide range of government departments, and community organisations to deliver the Prevent strategy. The police also play a significant role in Prevent, in much the same way as they do when taking a preventative approach to other crimes.

Prevent uses a range of measures to challenge extremism including:

  • Supporting people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist or extremist activity through the Channel process.
  • Working with and supporting community groups and social enterprise projects who provide services and support to vulnerable people
  • Working with faith groups and institutions to assist them in providing support and guidance to people who may be vulnerable; and
  • Supporting local schools, local industry and partner agencies through engagement, advice and training.

Prevent is measured locally and nationally to make sure the Prevent programme provides value for money.

The government has defined extremism in the Prevent strategy as: “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values.

What are British Values?

British values are defined as “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs”, and institutions are expected to encourage students to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.

What is Channel?

Channel provides support across the country to those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. The overall aim of the programme is early intervention and diverting people away from the risk they may face.

Channel uses existing collaboration between partners to support individuals and protect them from being drawn into terrorism. Who delivers channel? The process is a multi-agency approach with a wide range of agencies and local partners working together to provide support for individuals. Coordinators are usually police officers with the multi-agency panel being chaired by the Local Authority.

How does channel work?

Channel works by partners jointly assessing the nature and the extent of the risk and where necessary, providing an appropriate support package tailored to the individual’s needs.
The three key stages of Channel are:

  • Identify individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism;
  • Assess the nature and extent of that risk; and
  • Develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned.


‘Vulnerability’ describes the condition of being capable of being injured; difficult to defend; open to moral or ideological attack. Within Prevent, the word describes factors and characteristics associated with being susceptible to radicalisation.

‘Safeguarding’ is the process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or (in the context of this document) from being drawn into terrorist related activity.

‘Radicalisation’ refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.

‘Extremism’ is defined in the 2011 Prevent strategy as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.

The current UK definition of ‘terrorism’ is given in the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT 2000). In summary this defines terrorism as an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

‘Non-violent extremism’ is extremism, as defined above, which is not accompanied by violence.

Guidance for Parents

TH Advice to Parents_WebVersion

A short film:-

Further information on Prevent and British Values can be found here

Version 22 September 23